Mirela Register

Register Mirela for dementia caregivers

* Free DVD, materials & resources on dementia
* Home-based program (Only 1 face-to-face meeting)
* Participants receive $50

* Learn, decrease stress & enhance your quality of life

* Developed by Photozig and Stanford University
* Study funded by the National Institutes of Health

* Limited sign-up time (first 25 caregivers)

Participants: Login for full web site access.


Register for Free Tips, Resources & Dementia DVD

More information

The access to this web site is limited to registered participants right now. If you are interested to sign up for this free program, please enter your name/email and click on "Next" above. You may also:

Start participation in the Mirela program

Request Mirela program information

Go the Spanish website (Ir al sitio web en Español)

If you would like to contact Mirela project personnel, please email us at: Mirela @ photozig.com or call toll-free +1 (855) 955-CARE (2273). We usually respond in 1-2 business days.

Description of the Mirela Program

Flyers: Participant | Bulletin Board  

We are looking for Caregivers of individuals with Alzheimer’s Disease or other dementia to participate in a free program about dementia and caregiving.

Mirela is being developed by Photozig (at the NASA Research Park) and Stanford University, in collaboration with the Alzheimer's Association and other organizations. This is a research study funded by the National Institute on Aging (part of the National Institutes of Health).

The goal of Mirela is to evaluate and develop materials for helping caregivers to cope with caregiving, alleviate related distress, and improve their quality of life.

Latino Caregivers

Alzheimer’s Disease & Dementia

DVD, web & resources

Monetary Compensation

No Cost to participate

Toll-free (855)955-CARE

Mirela @ photozig . com


We offer a free DVD, materials, and online resources on dementia. The study is expected to help participants in their caregiving role.


This is a Home-based program. There is only one face-to-face meeting. We will ask for your opinion on our program and caregiving experience.


Compensation of $50, and free access to online resources. Initial eligibility: Latino who is 18 years or older, and cares for a person with Alzheimer’s Disease/dementia for at least 8 hours per week.




1. You will be asked some simple questions about yourself and your family member to see if you are eligible for the project (Enrollment Form and Informed Consent).

2. We will send you our Program survey. Please fill out the Program Survey online, or return it to us in a pre-mailed envelope.

3. A DVD, materials, link to our website, login information, and instructions will be mailed to you. We ask you to watch the DVD, read printed materials, use the website, and follow instructions. Materials are expected to help you in your caregiver role.

4. After completing the program, we will send you our second and final survey to be filled online or returned by pre-mailed envelope.


You are eligible to start enrollment if you are:


1. Caregiving for a person with Alzheimer’s or other dementia at least 8 hours/week.

2. Latino/Hispanic, age 18 or over, and understand Spanish.

3. Have access to a DVD player or the Internet.



Contact us

Please help us with this important project

If you or anyone you know is a caregiver of a person with Alzheimer’s Disease or dementia, and is willing to participate in this study, please contact us:

Toll-free: (855) 955-CARE (2273)

E-Mail: Mirela @ photozig . com


This project is supported by Award Number R44AG041552 from the National Institute on Aging. The content is solely the responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily represent the official views of the National Institute on Aging or the National Institutes of Health.

Photozig, Inc.

NASA Resesarch Park, Moffett Field, CA